Yep, that's amnionic fluid on the floor.
Gees, Amanda.
No progress made over night. A contraction here and there. A few walks around the halls. Nurses waking us up periodically.
7 AM brought the first big contraction, but they were still pretty sparse.
8:30 AM commenced a series of
9:2o -ish AM, Cheri, our awesome midwife says, "That's it time to push!"
. 9:31 AM brought Little Lucy into the world.
Her chord was wrapped around her neck, so she was a little blue - needed some O2
I was proud of Amanda when Addy was born, but this time she really impressed me.
I don't know why she declined, but she did. It was hard for me to see her in so much pain, but I can honestly say, this time, that I've never been so proud of her. She showed me a side of her that I had never seen before (and I don't mean her insides - gross.)
Our little girl getting cleaned up.
Mommy and baby, both doing well.
7 pounds, 7 ounces. 19.5 inches long.
I know that may seem normal, but to us it seemed so tiny.
I mean, Addy was two pounds heavier, two inches longer.
Abby came in a few hours later to give Lucy her first bath.
Thanks Aunt Abby!
Getting her hair washed.
She has my dad's hair. Dark on the sides, nothing on top.
Lucy Joylynn Boyd
All wrapped up and warm after her bath.
Addison was so excited to see her baby sister outside of Mommy's belly.
Grandma Judy brought Addy in to meet her sister.
Cute picture.
CONGRATS!!! addy looks so happy :) she is going to love having a little sister, amanda- you look GREAT! wow, you just had a baby... brad, you look like you've been up all night. happy she's here and all is well. see you soon ;)
Congratulations!!! She's so cute! Addy looks so excited to be a big sister! Wow, no epidural, impressive! Get some rest, we're excited for you guys!
Yay Amanda!! Congrats you guys! She is a cutie! That Addy...she is a character! Very photogenic. You're a crazy lady Amanda! No drugs??!!! Very impressed. 2 is WAY better than 1! Good luck!
Brad looks like crap...he needs some pampering_A
Amanda, you are a rock star! No epdidural is incredible. Lucy is so beautiful and such a cute name. You guys are one gorgeous family! Congrats!
I think her middle name should be Diamond. That would just be perfect...
congratulations amanda and brad! she is so cute. and addy is so precious! and amanda, no epidural? you're amazing.
You are all in our prayers!
Fantastic, another Boyd is added to our clan.
Any mommy who can do it "the old fashion way" is just alright in our book!
Addy looked so happy holding Little Lucy. She was cute when the tears came... "I think I broke her!" LOL
Aunt Julie and Uncle Tom
Those are so cute!!!!! She's adorable! The pics of Addison and Lucy are so dang cute! Brad, it looks like you had the long night pushing Lucy out than Amanda. Amanda you look so brighteyed and beautiful after the whole thing!! Congrats you guys!
Oh Congratulations or FELICIDADES BOYD!!!!!
What a cute family you have, your two little girls are cute and your wife doesn't look like she just had a baby and Brad you are the only one that looks weird or raro como se escribe eso vos.
Les queremos mucho y felicidades dice mi mama. Esto te lo escribio Kenny, mario dice hola, la jessy dice hola y mi mama dice que los quiere mucho.
Congrats! Hope everyone is adjusting to life with two sweet girls!
This is such a Nice blog! I love ur kids Lucy n Addison!
Keep up the good work!
Do visit mine too at
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