As I said in an earlier post, we spent Christmas in Chicago this year. The drive wasn't bad at all. We did it in a little over 10 hours, stopping 3 times. Addison was an angel the whole trip. We only stopped for gas. The Pilot made for great traveling. I can't believe we didn't take any pictures on the way out. Oh well. There will be more trips to Chicago.
These first two are from the church Christmas party here at home. Santa (Uncle Dan) made an appearance.

Checking him out... wait for it... wait for it...

Yep, we knew it was coming.
On to Chicago.

Downstairs at the Erickson house, we had a huge lunch buffet for some 27 people, both Ericksons and Schieks. I think I got everybody.

Martha and Caleb playing nice.

Joshua didn't want anymore corn flake and potato casserole. Seriously, and it's quite good.

Grandma Joy is telling him just how good it really is.

Nobody ever takes a picture of the guy taking the pictures. I felt Uncle Mike needed to make an appearance.

A Christmas kiss for Daddy.

Addison, playing with a gift from Mommy and Daddy. Notice the "Oooo" face.

Big Cheese! If you look close, you can see her little fat lip. She fell trying to walk.

The Erickson family photo.

And the Schiek family photo.

Martha actually cleaning something. I thought this was photo and blog worthy. We can use it as proof later on.

A Boyd family picture.

And we had to have one with Jacko. Notice the natural animosity between Addy and Jackson.

After everyone left, we opened gifts as a family. Addy is opening a gift from Grandma and Grandpa.

Playing with Jackson. Don't mess with his squirrel.

Getting cozy, ready to watch Dark Knight. It's not that scary, Leah.
In total, we spend 8 days in Chicago. It was really a fun trip, and it's always nice to get away. Addy loves playing with her cousins. I love spending time with the in-laws, and I know Amanda misses her family. It's great getting together with the Ericksons.
The rest of these photos are from the remainder of the trip.

"Applebottom Jeans, boots with the fur..."

We wondered if we could put that mullet into a pony tail, and we could. Addy didn't appreciate it.

Grandma Joy, with Caleb, Joshua, and Addison.

It wouldn't be an Erickson get-together without some Guitar Hero.

Amanda and Addy with Great-Grandpa and Grandma Len and Lucy.

Over at Great-Grandpa and Grandma Bill and Donna's. We went over to watch the Eagles destroy the Cowgirls to make the playoffs. That was one of the greatest days of my life - seriously.

A Four Generations Picture.
Great-Grandma Donna, Grandma Joy, Mommy, and Addison.